When we’re growing up, our parents are our heroes. That’s what country singer Ryan Langdon’s father was to him, and that’s who he aspires to be for his newborn daughter.
Known for his country party anthems like “Lit In The Sticks,” “Crossfaded,” and “Buck Wild,” Ryan wants to assure fans that despite becoming a new parent, he is still that badass party guy in the right moments. You can hear his transition to becoming a family man in his more recent hits, “Country Like You,” and “Feel Like Home,” a duet with the up-and-comer, Karli June.
“Obviously getting married and having my first child really changed things for me,” says Ryan. “I still have that mindset but now I’ve gained a different perspective.”
Working with well-rounded collaborators old and new such as Dave Thompson (Lady A, Lights), Patricia Conroy (Meghan Patrick, Rivertown Saints), Jim Witter (Steve Wariner), Jesse Slack (Josh Setterfield, Robyn Ottolini), Steve Molella (Finger Eleven, New Friends), and Marty Martino (Down With Webster, Theo Tams), Ryan was encouraged to show off some versatility after mastering rock-country songs. His next releases will infuse his music tastes from the pop and hip-hop world, while still maintaining his country roots. Everyone brings something to the table and brings elements from every genre they enjoy. The songwriters don’t limit themselves with rules on what’s considered a country song, they just follow that golden thread and run with it.
“When songs come that easy, it’s always a good thing,” Ryan explains. “You don’t have to overthink it.”
When the team walks into a songwriting session, they discuss what they want to start with, and for Ryan, he often likes to start with titles. That’s what pulls people in. If you have a strong title, and you can find words to pull into the song, it tells the story instantly.
In this case, the next era of Ryan Langdon reads like a coming-of-adulthood story: in the high energy track “Bad Choices,” he reaffirms his rebel mentality, later turning to drink after a heartbreak in the somber and moody songs “Whiskey Bottle” before facing mature realizations in “Shouldn’t Drink No More.” Some of these songs are remnants of his life as a bachelor, while newer songs like “Soul & My Sanity” find comfort from his family.
Juggling fatherhood and pursuing a music career is not an easy thing, but it’s worth it. When you think of the accomplished Niagara-born country singer, you probably wouldn’t have pictured him sitting in a rocking chair with his infant daughter in his lap while answering marketing calls. While he’s racking up accolades including over 8 million catalogue streams worldwide and four Top 40 Canadian Country radio hits (“Lit In The Sticks,” “Leave Me Right,” “Country Like You,” “Feel Like Home”), he’s still taking time to enjoy daddy duty when his daughter hits her own milestones like her first steps and first words.
Just like his father encouraged him to follow his dream, whether it’s in baseball or music, Ryan wants to pass on that ambition to dream big to his daughter. He has high hopes that she’ll be a tomboy or become a singer, but he knows that he will respect what she wants and nurture her own interests. All he can do is lead by example to show that you have to give your 100%, whether it’s being a parent or chasing after your dreams.
Catch him on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram.
PR inquiries: karen@hiddenpony.ca